Monday, April 03, 2006

God has a sense of humour...

"Sacrilage!!!!" I hear you say. But, before you burn me on the stake for Heresay, here me out. I believe that the Lord knows what I truly mean, and it's some of the examples that I've lived through that's given me this theory about God's sense of humour.

The Lord works in mysterious ways, and in many instances we have no idea how & why He places us in certain situations, but as a Christian, I believe that its all for a reason.

Growing up in Nigeria, I used to take a short cut to my Dad's photographic studio in Orita Challenge, Ibadan. I used to walk by this old, mingy, decrepit house, and I used to say to myself, 'Who would want to leave in a nasty place like that? This place always gives me the shivers!!" About two years later, my family went through some pretty hard times, and we had to move from a lovely flat we were renting at the time. So you can imagine my absolute gobsmacked suprise when my sisters & I were told to clean up that same flat I despised back in the past, only for us to move into. We lived there for about 3 years, and had to make it home.

Fast forward to 8 years ago. Location: West Sussex. I had gone to my cousin's for a party, and after getting on a train to go back to London, I remember saying to myself: "Well, that place sucked!! Who'd want to work or even live in a place like thas??" You'd have thought that I'd have learnt my lesson by now. Hah! So, what happens? Two years later (what is it with '2 years later' and me??) I was made redundant. I signed up with an agency, and they managed to get me a job posting. Guess where: West Sussex! I mean, what are the odds of that??

So, you see, I feel that God has a sense of humour. The experiences that I have gone through have taught me many things. And the joke is, looking back at things, I've managed to laugh with God and those 'humourous' moments.

God bless.

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