Away from the Office spam mail, there's a characteristic amongst most employees that brings about Acute Shakara, which is normally stressed induced. Allow me to explain:
Ever been in the situation that has affected your job due to either incompetence, bureaucracy or Murphy's Law, and you just want to unleash your anger and frustration? (and to think you expressed on your CV that you can work under pressure! Shame on you!!) I've been in situations like that and I've had to take a 5 minute break or longer, depending on the severity of the situation, just to calm down and regroup my potential actions. I'm sure there are millions of employees/employers that use the same technique. God forbid that you find yourself in a situation where a disgruntled employee goes 'postal'.
And then there is shakara shouting. We've seen the type: A person literally turning all the colours of the rainbow with undiluted rage due to some mix up or other. And with the rage comes the shouting peppered with profanity: " BEEPing BEEPser!! When I see that BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP punk, I'm going to ram the phone down his BEEPity BEEP!!" Oh, the language can be quite colourful. However, such threats never take place. No sooner has said description ended, the phone rings with said potential victim on the other end of the line, and you being all nice, all for the sake of saving your P45 and not actually committing GBH. Besides, that kind of stress can't be good for the heart. If you would like to dare your heart's strength, then may I strongly suggest that your company has an up to date and charged defibrillator. If your company cannot afford said equipment, then make damn sure someone knows CPR. So, technically, all that shouting was just shakara. And in case you're wondering what shakara means, it's a pidgin term to describe a person who puts up so much bravado and threats and never carries it out.
Such a scenario does bring about an intresting question: why let certain instances at work stress you to the verge of breaking point? Don't get me wrong: it's nice to be dedicated to your job. If anything, pressure to a certain degree is healthy, unless you work for the bomb squad. Now that's pressure. However, I'm sure they have a better Insurance scheme than most employers.
So, instead of shakara shouting and stressing yourself, here are a couple of tips to circumnavigate certain situations at work:
For every 60 seconds your angry, you lose a minute of happiness: A contradiction some might say, considering many people are'nt happy at work, but why give anger more satisfaction?
How much will you make from your retirement plan and will it equate in worth for all the stress? : Well, self explanatory, that. Besides, at the end, for services rendered, you''ll probably get a bottle of 'bubbly' (sucks if you're teetotal) or a bouquet of flowers.
Pray: Most of the time, the name of the Lord is taken in vain while your swearing to the high heavens, and for me that is a clear indication that you believe in God. So, why not pray for some patience or a solution to the problem?
Take a break (Read second paragraph above) And no, not a a ciggie break. That's just adding more stress to your lungs. I suggest that your HR deptartment invest in Ak-ism's 'Relaxzz Room' ™. (You can vent your frustrations in the room by attacking a dummy that represents the stress you're going through. Call now 555-VENT IT™for an information pack, and you'll also get a free copy of Catch 22! )
If all of the above does'nt work for you, then blame it on the guy who can't speak English.
Nuff said!
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