Wednesday, March 08, 2006

"So you want to know about": Ba-ba, The Multi coloured sheep

"...and another thing....

When does being 'politically Correct' just become overkill? We live in certain societies where it is important to be sensitive of people's feelings and whatnot. Irrespective, there are always going to be prejudices about one thing or the other. Thats just human nature. It could be based on social, moral or religious beliefs. Now, that doesn't mean that we have a licence to inflame or incite discriminations. On the contrary: its all about educating people or ourselves being enlighted.

Which brings me to some real foolishness going on. According to news reports in the UK, the populour Nursery rhyme 'Ba-Ba Black sheep' has been deemed as insensitive and will therefore be rehashed as 'Ba-ba-Rainbow Sheep'. I mean, what the duece?!?!?! First off, that just doesn't sound right. I don't find anything remotely insulting about that piece. Can you imagine 70's disco group Boney M changing the lyrics to their classic track 'Brown girl' in the ring'? Lord, The 'P.C' Police (no pun intended!) would have a field day!

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